Way back when I was in kindergarten, our teacher took her students for a train ride. Although we were small, I can still remember climbing into the cabin, finding our seats, and taking a long trip. I believe we rode from Detroit to Toledo. As a 5-year-old, it was a trip to the moon and back.
As the scenery whizzed by, we bounced and giggled at the clackety-clack of wheels on the track.
Several years later, my mom and dad took the whole Hayes family to Omaha on a Super Skyliner Express. I carried my brand new Barbie doll. We both climbed up into the sky seats and rode the rails until it was time for lunch. Then, we got to dine as that train wooooshed past cornfields and small towns.
I had a chocolate sundae in a silver ice cream cup. That cold treat caused the cup to sweat. Hersey's syrup ran down the side. It was yummy. In my mind's mouth, it's STILL yummy.
So, I wanted to take Drew and Noah on a train ride. I found out that AMTRAX has a daily run from San Antonio to Austin and that the morning train has a dining car. THIS would be their trip to remember.
We needed to board downtown at 6:45 AM for the 7 AM departure. By 7:30, the steward was calling for breakfast customers. So, here we are, waiting for our TRAIN WAFFLES and milk.

It was a l -0 - n - g day for boys, Mom, and Gramma. And, hopefully, a trip to remember.
What an amazing trip! You're right! That's the way to weave memories into the fabric of your grandchildren's lives. As our mutual friend says, "Good on ya!"