Saturday, December 25, 2010

SanAntone: Waiting for Santa

CAGED in a bouncy house

We've walked The Riverwalk. We've dined at Rudy's. We've ridden up the Tower, toured the Alamo and climbed around in Hemisphere Park. So, this week, as Mom got home from the hospital, we drove over to "Bouncy Town." ("They have WIFI, Mom.") and let the boys run their engines out, hoping for a deep and quiet sleep later in the evening.

However, anticipation plus bright lights plus some, um, dietary alterations make such restful nights impossible.

Mom's a bit beat but smiles when she can hug Drew.

The next day, Noah joined Gramma in a nap and awakened with a smile.

"Do you want me to show you something, Gramma?"

Of course, you little doll.

Instruction on the Droid.

Who says, besides me, that technology is dificult.

Now, we await the arrival of Grampa and Uncle Zach. And then, SANTA, who will have many LEGOS in his sack.

1 comment:

  1. So -- are kids born with a technology gene these days? I'm amazed at the number of preschoolers who hand their parent the iPhone before getting out of the car at morning carpool. Crazy.
