Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just a quick note from the North

Having a good time; and it’s ok that you’re not here…..
Actually, as we know you pray for us regularly, let me tell you how your prayers are being answered this week:
Each and every employee, on board and on shore, has commented that the weather is not only amazing but rare: Alaska’s norm is cloudy, showers, and more showers. Although, at this time of the year, the sun is ‘out’ for a longer part of the day, the locals say it’s unusual to see it except for an occasional peek through the heavy clouds.
Some excursions post refund procedures as they are commonly canceled for weather concerns.
HUH. All week, sun and clear blue skies here. Temperatures are a balmy 55 – 70 degrees. We can sit out on our veranda in our shorts, viewing the grandeur all around us.
So thank you, our friends. And thank you, Dear Lord, for this additional gift.

1 comment:

  1. So, so happy for the two of you, Lynne! Can't wait to hear more.
