Well, first I need to say that Mike and I were not big
Valentine’s Day observers. So many times, the date fell during the week. We
were both tired from work and when the kids were young, there were many more
things that trumped a night out.
I hope that doesn’t burst anybody’s bubble….we celebrated
our love in many ways and on all sorts of days…we just didn’t line up for that
date on the calendar. It wasn’t uncommon for me to find some little wrapped
thing on my pillow from time to time. (Mike was on first-name basis with the
ladies that worked in our better department stores)
This year, especially, we in the Midwest have found that
staying inside makes sense when it’s -15
degrees outside; and the snow…so much snow…and more snow…seems to suggest we
hunker down and wait for spring.
So I wasn’t primed to get all sad and sorry that I’d pass
the date without tangible goodies. Here IS what I did…
I drove to Indianapolis, Ivy in shot gun, to a very nice
mall that has a very nice children’s clothing store. I suddenly have lots of
babies in my circle and wanted to purchase some special soft things for gifts.
This mall had been overhauled…I don’t know when. I had to
check the map to find my store. I asked the clerk. “We remodeled 3 years ago.”
I’ve been busy.
One part of the new construction: a huge food court. Right
in the middle: Pinkberry. I believe this is Indiana’s first.
Pinkberry was a favorite of my sister-in-law Janelle. When
the sisters visited her in Charlotte, we each got introduced to this special
treat. Later, when Janelle was fighting glioblastoma, friends kept sending her
gift certificates so when we made another trip, we savored more Pinkberry. I
will always see her smile when I see that Pinkberry sign. So, for 2/14, I celebrated her life and
testimony with a small chocolate/hazelnut cup with white yogurt sprinkles.
I’d heard that there was even more snow coming so we had traveled
down early. No matter, by the time we left the mall, big wet flakes were all
over the car. Ivy and I knew that we had 40 miles to drive and we’d be on the
lookout for ice and trucks and SUVs going too fast.
A friend reminded me recently that one habit of long-married
folks: they continue to have silly fun together. Mike and I had all sorts of
silly fun. One was to sing…loudly....we weren’t so great singers…to 50’s on 5 on Sirrius
So, on my trip home, I celebrated the love of my life by
belting out some Do Whaps and A Weema Whappas.
Happy days ahead
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