Those gusts just blew the gray away. We are lazing by the shore, snuggled in ancient Adirondack chairs.
For our praying friends: Mike had another CAT scan last Wednesday. We meet with his doctor Monday (8:30 AM EST) for the results. As always, we thank you for your prayer support.
Back to the lazing: Mike had had a rocky night so after breakfast, he headed back to bed. With an Oldies station blaring in his ears, he grabbed 2 good hours of sleep. We showered and, all fresh and such, donned our latest 'lake gear' for a walk around the area. We put Ivy on a leash...the neighbor won't complain but THEY use leashes....and took a stroll.
Gorgeous day, breezes at a good clip, temperature approaching 70. One of the many great things about the lake is the dress code. As in "None." Ah. Nobody goes naked, that's not what I mean. But colors don't clash here, patterns all match.
I slipped into my favorite lake shorts. I purchased them at Land's End about 6 years and 100 pounds ago. As they have a generous elastic waist and roomy legs, they have fit through 12 sizes. What a find. They are khaki (blend with any color, although really it doesn't matter) and currently they fit more like a dirndl skirt but anyway.....I have on my RED Kokomo Wildkat T-shirt, the same one I was wearing a year ago when one of my American Literature scholars used a cream pie-eating contest to buss his teacher in the face. Good memories.
And on

Then, there's the hub: a shapeless light blue T shirt with a peach-colored (not kidding) Winona Lake hoodie over it. HIS shorts are also khaki (what is that about old people dressing alike?) and then the piece de resistance (dictionary AP says this spelling is OK): brown boat shoes with white socks, neatly turned at the ankle. No photo available but I believe the description will suffice.
We are such a cute pair, sitting side by side, the breeze from the lake messing up our shiny clean hair. Holding hands. Ivy sitting guard.
Excuse me for lapsing into the mundane. We have a big week ahead of us so today, sun shining, breeze blowing and the Bolingers in Lake Mode: all is good with our world.
What a great description, I can see you sitting there, the three of you, I have a BIG smile on my face just looking at you. So glad you have this "getaway" spot that is so quick & easy to get to. So glad it got fixed in time for all this great weather. Sending prayers your way, love you both!