Saturday, October 9, 2010

Looking Back/Facing Forward

So, what has this last year brought to the Bolingers of Kokomo, Indiana?

Last year, as October began, I was on leave from school, preparing for a doctor’s appointment where we believed we’d hear The Bad News.

We had helped to dedicate our former office building and parking lot.

Mike was keeping busy in his woodshop; the local news magazine had come to photograph our home and interview us. I was putzing around the house, tying up loose ends from the close of the office. Zach continued to move/carry/lift/load as we considered how we would downsize. Allyson lent her helpful insights which you could summarize with: live your life.

That was and is good advice.

The October appointment showed a clear CAT. Zach enrolled to finish his degree. I returned to school and Mike continued to create in wood. In addition to other projects, our cottage in Winona Lake holds much furniture that is less than a year old.

That’s the tangible.

As for the intangible: We continue to live within a bubble of God’s love. We are experiencing His protection and His grace.

For me: those fruits of the spirit: love joy peace patience gentleness kindness and faith…..that’s the world I live in. Right now, there’s not much that can make me angry, rob me of my joy, interrupt my peace. These are gifts of our God.

And, our friends, we continue to thank our Father daily for you. You are with us on this journey. So thank you for staying with us. We pray for you and that you will not grow faint. Almost weekly, Mike receives a note or card, sent by someone to encourage him. We read those and cherish them.

Out and about, we keep bumping into former clients and other townies who had heard about Mike’s illness but had not kept up with the miracle. When we run into them, they smile so widely, you’d think it would crack their faces. Mike gets hugs and pats on the back, and thanks for something he has done for them.

Recently, we have buzzed around town in the restored Lotus SuperSport. It’s low low low to the ground and has no doors, so it’s a trick to get in and takes some fancy maneuvers to exit. No matter. At almost every traffic light, some friend rolls down his window, looks down at us and tells Mike how good it is to see him.

As he retreats from even the smallest legal matters, other friends continue to drop by, some with encouragement and some with needs. Many nights, as I turn down the covers, I can see the porch light on at the woodshop. Those porch talks go on into the night.

And what will the next year hold for us (and for you)? God’s got that all worked out.

1 comment:

  1. At church we are teaching the kids the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The hardest is the last one - not teaching it but having it yourself.

    Your last sentence reminds me of a song from the seventies called "Me and Jesus" - do you remember that song?
