Monday, May 4, 2009

Friends ask what they can do...


You both requested…I was in Swiss cheese brain mode…what folks can do to help us. I have come to understand how important this is; we all long to be the tangible hands and feet of Christ.

A real need we will have might be addressed by friends. Mike’s illness causes him to experience night sweats some nights. Then, we need to change the pillow cases. I’m betting that, like me, some people have a random, unmatched pillow slip or two in a closet. A stack of such would help us. So, I guess what I’m saying is that a ‘pillow case shower’ would be greatly appreciated. (you will see that the passive tense is big must be that stress cuts into one’s quality writing…couldn’t help the levity). As our doctor tells us to look at a year, these cases may not come back to the owner for awhile.

I will continue to be in contact. Today I begin my new career as a legal aide/phone answering chick. While I’m pretty good on the phone verbally, my ‘hold/send’ skills need some work.

Bye for now. Lynne

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