Saturday, July 14, 2012

Quick Update

We went home last Sunday night because Mike had tests and so forth on Monday. The report is: no significant change. Change is a negative in this case so the report is a good one.

Then, Tuesday was 'root day' for me. My appointment with my magician was late in the day so we decided we'd wait until the Morning to drive back up. We had been discussing my going on a little trip before school. Mike always likes to say that he's quoting my mother when this comes out: It's not a question of whether or not you're going; it's a question of whether or not I agree. They both have good yuks over this.

Well, I decided that I'd ask God about it. My way is to say something like, "It's OK, yes? If not, let me know."

Later that night, Mike ran a fever. As he is low in various blood chemicals, any fever is a critical emergency, requiring a trip to the ER. As I drove him to the hospital, I got my answer. It would have been really bad had I not been around. So, no trip for now.

His bevy of hospital angels hooked him up, took some blood, gave him a pillow and a warm blanket, filled various bottles and jars, shaking and turning them over. After several hours, they ruled out almost everything. The decision was that his ERCP stent needed to be replaced a bit earlier than we had planned.

This meant we stayed in Kokomo. Back at the lake, our very talented construction guys were working away so we stayed out of their way. We drove to Indianapolis on Friday for the new stent. It was a long day. By the time we got home, we both crashed so it was today, Saturday, that we drove back up.

Our workers are not done yet but they have done a lot. And our neighbors reported that...and I guess this is unusual....that the men cleaned up every day.

Coming up THIS week:  Mike will be practicing Thursday night because he gets to play in church on Sunday 7/22. Few things make him as nervous and as happy.

So, for now, all is good.

1 comment:

  1. nervous and happy - a great combination - happens whenever I have to preach --- : )
