Sunday, May 1, 2011


I see that I have goofed. Tour Part II will appear in the May Table of Contents. Part I, titled "Movin' on Up," is found at the end of April. Only one day for me but a change of month for you, gentle readers (we are wading through the Romantics right now at school.)

I hope you aren't confused. Anyway, to continue, here's a bit more to see at the Bolingers' Cottage. (Oh, by the way, how many people have asked me, English teacher, about the lack of punctuation in our blog's title? Many many many. Let me defer to an editor ('gentle editor') who set up the blog. I believe that apostrophes in a title might confused the cybermuse.)

As we continue our stroll, here is Mike's latest creation. He made this from a photograph; You can see details, I believe, somewhere in April.

And, as you may remember, Mike replaced all the cabinet fronts and remade the drawers in our cottage's kitchen. Our friend Frannie helped with colors and son Zach painted.

Me? My area of expertise involves cleaning out the refrigerator. Perhaps a tad less skillful but, let me tell you, we had neglected this for a long, long, long time.

I began by dumping out almost everything and then scrubbing, scrapping, and spraying all sorts of brightly colored chemical cleaners. (Daughter says, "You LOVE your chemicals, Mom.)

By the time I finished, I must say, it was pristine. I replaced only a few items so it looks like a proper bachelor frig: 3 cans of coke (in Indiana, this is generic) and two bottles of ketchup.

We DO go the the grocery store when visitors come.

So, now we'll turn, walk past all sorts of freshly-made Arts-n-Crafts creations, and hop up the stairs.

The stairway wall is papered with remnants of epic family vacations and a few odds and ends

Ivy stands guard. She's going to let us pass.

She thinks you may have some bacon.


Hmmmmmm...maybe later.

Besides our room, here's where the grandboys stay when they are at the lake. It's a nice dark blue room with really good shades so if you need a nap and the couch is taken, this is a great place to crash.

Last summer, we borrowed another bed for Allyson. It's in what we call "The Library," so guests will have a nice selection of reading material.

This room, by the way, is dark chocolate brown.

That's C H O C O L A T E.

We hope to spend a lot of the summer in and around our little place. And, you see, there's plenty of room.

Mike LOVES any excuse to go grocery shopping.

Wait! I hear the Cocktail Class Racer buzzing by.

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